Handprint Action

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  • Handprint Action

As global awareness of complex social and environmental issues increases, so does the interest in global development and the demand for sustainable solutions especially since the introduction of the concept of sustainable development (SD). According to the Brundtland Report (1987) the definition of Sustainable Development is a development that "meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". In other words, sustainability is reached in an environmentally, socially and economically healthy world.

SD is for everyone; at the same time it is achieved only through everyone’s contribution to a partnership approach that engages multiple sectors and stakeholders. Society expects responsible behavior and it is time to change our actions towards SD. ESD action includes creating awareness, providing education, building capacity, increasing participation, imparting values, providing training, in ESD which results in action towards sustainability. ASD actions can be directed to others as well as self. Following are some actions for individuals, which will help increase their handprint and make our future more sustainable.

  • Personal Level
  • Family/households Level
  • Institutional Level
  • Community Level
  • City Level
  • State Level
  • National Level
  • World Level

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The initiative We-are-what-we-do has collected 50 suggestions for everyday activities on the personal level, by which one can improve the world and another 50 suggestions on how to protect the climate.

Japan Council on the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD-J) , is a nationwide network organization to connect various NGOs in Japan for Education for Sustainable Development, and has been working closely with citizens, municipalities, academics and national government since 2003.

The alliance for climate protection (Al Gore) offers tips for activities at home, at work, at the store, in transportation, your community and on how to influence leaders. http://www.climateprotect.org/

Tips: Reduce CO2

25 Tips To Make A Survivor's Guide On What You Can Do To Help Bring Down Carbon Dioxide

  1. Change your bulbs replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) – these consume one.
  2. Use solar devices to heat water for bathing.
  3. Construct green building – If you are planning to build a house or an office complex, hire an architect who could work out ways to optimize the use of energy.
  4. Turn computers off when not in use.
  5. Switch off the lights while sleeping or when office shuts down.
  6. Conserve water use sprinklers or drip-irrigation devices for watering your lawns or growing crops.
  7. Check your tyres, maintaining the right degree of pressure in car and motorcycle tyres improves on ileage considerably and saves fuel.
  8. Buy energy-efficient appliances.
  9. Prepare for disaster.
  10. Buy fuel–efficient cars.
  11. Walk, don't drive. If you have to buy a packet of chips, don't drive to the store next door – talk a walk. If your must drive, combine a lot of chores.
  12. Reduce Air travel. If you have the option of getting work done over the phone or e-mail, then go ahead. It would save you money and the world a whole lot of carbon emissions.
  13. Turn the geyser off after a bath so that water is heated only when you need it. Also, good quality shower heads ensure the flow of water is low but efficient.
  14. Consume less in number. we are not expecting you to turn a yogi but there is no need to go to the other extreme either. When you are about to buy something, ask yourself whether you really need it.
  15. Turn the tap off while soaping your face or shaving. Don't let the water flow unnecessarily.
  16. Recycle.
  17. Switch to wind power. If you are setting up a factory in an SEZ or living in a small town, you could champion the case for installing windmills for most of the electricity generated for use.
  18. Shun plastic bags, Carry reusable tote while shopping. It will help reduce emissions from decaying plastic bags in landfills.
  19. Use Public transport. Don't drive down to the office. Take a metro instead. Push the government to improve public transport facilities – it needs goading.
  20. Save paper. If you want to convey something to your friend. Do it over the phone or e-mail. Thousands of trees would be saved.
  21. Rationalise price of electricity. Haul up politicians for indulging in populism and educate villagers on the virtues.
  22. Switch to Bio-fuels, start looking seriously at cars that run on alternative fuels.
  23. Demand clean Tech. Get the government to persist on developed countries to sell clean technology to India cheap so that we can cut down on our emissions without paying a heavy price for research and development.
  24. Grow More Trees. Trees are the best sinks for Carbon dioxide.
  25. Let others know you may be conserving the natural resources but if your neighbour isn't, you are still a goner. Educate others.